In-Network Garage

We’ve personally hand-selected only the very best garages because it’s vital to us that your vehicle gets repaired fast, and flawlessly.

Find your nearest LMG Insurance garage.

Our claims are handled by LMG Insurance Public Company Limited, where our qualified and experienced experts are there to guide you over the phone about your best car insurance options.

There are 2 types of garage you can choose

It is so vital for us to provide you with a high-quality service. Pocket personally hand-selected more than 1,800 In-Network Garages nationwide with many experiences and professional services so you can rest assured that your vehicle gets repaired fast, and flawlessly.

At Pocket, we aim to superior services to our customers. We constantly look for and develop garages all over the country to become our Exclusive Garage. Our customers can receive faster repair, fewer queues for appointments, the assurance of quality repair, and speed of approval. Currently, there are more than 50 Exclusive Garages. We plan to expand this type of garage each year.

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