Easy pre-inspection to get type 1 car insurance

Pocket helps you make an easy, convenient, and fast pre-inspection.

All vehicles require to do a pre-inspection for buying type 1 car insurance with Pocket. If any damages were found, the claim will issue an endorsement indicating those damages. except for the vehicle inspection by the Company.

Why do we need to make pre-inspection?

As evidence to confirm that the vehicles don’t have any damages before doing car insurance. And also, a pre-inspection is a good way to specify the vehicle’s details. You can rest assured that your vehicle will be insured completely when it was damaged by an accident.

Pre-inspection process for your type 1 car insurance with Pocket

  1. Inspection request
    Click the link that you receive via email or SMS to start the pre-inspection process
  2. Taking photos
    As instruction of pre-inspection
  3. Photo review
    Our pre-inspection team reviews all submitted photo
  4. Photo inspection analysis
    You will receive your pre-inspection result via email

Pre-inspection Photo Examples


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