If you are looking for car insurance with all-in-one coverage at the right price, in addition to checking the company's reputation and insurance premiums. You should check other factors before deciding to buy car insurance together. Let’s check it out.
1. Car insurance company's reliability
The important thing when buying car insurance is to choose an insurance company that is certified by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC) and legally. Including the reputation and stability of the company as a guarantee and building confidence when using their services.
2. The coverage
You should select the type of car insurance and the coverage that best suits your driving lifestyle. If you drive a car often or are a beginner driver who has no expertise in driving a car, type 1 car insurance that provides comprehensive coverage is the best option. It will cover damages to the vehicle in all cases of collision. Moreover, it will cover the damages of the collision without another party. For type 1 car insurance of Pocket, we will compensate for damages to the collision with another party but the insured or the owner of the vehicle must pay an excess for those damages as negotiable. Most of the excess is 1,000 baht per point.
3. Garage network
Have you ever faced this problem? Do not know where to send the car for repair when making a claim. And not quite sure if it is convenient to get there. Therefore, before deciding to buy car insurance, you should consider the garages network. How many branches do they have in each area, is it enough to meet the needs? Importantly, it must be standardized and there are experts to provide high-quality repair service.
4. Car insurance premium
Premium is an important factor that most people focus on. Normally, the car insurance premium is vary to coverage. Therefore, you should check if the coverage you received is proper with the price you pay and your driving lifestyle. To make sure that you will get the car insurance that best suits you at a valuable price.
5. Payment method
The variety of payment methods can provide convenient and fast service. Currently, there are many payment methods such as credit card and QR code which is easy to use. However, it is vital to ensure that those payment methods are safe, and reliable with standardized data security encryption. Some companies allow you to make an installment so you do not need to pay the total amount at one time.
6. Additional services
In addition to the coverage that will be received to be able to drive with confidence. Having additional services gives you extra peace of mind in the event of an emergency. Additional services that most company usually provides include 24-hour roadside assistance service and compensation for travel expenses during the repair of the vehicle.
7. After-sales service
Fast and prompt service is an outstanding feature of the insurance business. So that you can contact the hotline easily and quickly in case there is an emergency during the trip. Moreover, you can get assistance from the adjuster immediately with full support.
Before deciding to buy car insurance, please do not forget to check these above things to ensure that you choose the best car insurance that suits you. If you do not know where to choose car insurance? Try checking type 1 car insurance premiums with Pocket and click add Official Line or call us at 02 302 7788. Our qualified and experienced experts are there to guide you.
How good is it to buy car insurance with Pocket?
Only pay for what you need
- A customized plan that meets your needs and helps you save money.
Nationwide qualified network of garages
- Find a qualified repair service out of more than 700 in-network garages in Thailand.
24 hr. Roadside Assistance Service
- Enjoy complete peace of mind 24-hour emergency service.
Fully qualified insurance experts
- Access customer friendly and convenient advice from our in-house advisors for all your car insurance related needs.